Friday, May 28, 2010

Suddenlys in our lives.

Matthew 8:24-25
Without warning, a furious storm came upon the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke Him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" (NIV)

As with the disciples it seems that SUDDENLY "Furious Storms" come into our lives. Does God know that they are there? Most certainly! Is he the Lord over that situation again most certainly. Are we allowing him to be the Lord over the situation??? Does it seem to us that Jesus is sleeping in the bottom of the boat and unconcerned????

In the mist of the storms that pop up in our lives we need to trust him. Do you think that Jesus would have let the boat sink, of coarse not. Nothing in Heaven or hell could have sunk that boat because the Son of God was on it. You say that that's fine because Jesus was with them! Well don't we have the promise that he will NEVER leave us or forsake us, and If God be for us Who can be against us?

We his children need to realize that we mean AS MUCH TO HIM AS ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN OR WILL BE.

There is so many times we want to escape the storm when the lesson is in the storm. But without storms and diversity in our lives there is no chance for our faith to grow.

Welcome the Storms not because of what they are but because of the storm we will be have a chance to be drawn nearer to him. Remember 1 Thes. 5:18 "In everything give THANKS for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. We give thanks not for the situation but that we belong to the LORD over the situation.

So when suddenlys come upon us and they seem to sneak or drop in remember this is the opportunity to give thanks and to have our Faith in Him increase.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How do you view Problems or Conflect

The presence of a conflict or problems
doesn't mean the absence of God.
Which do you FOCUS on?
It/they should be viewed as an opportunity!

As I have mentioned many times here the PROBLEMS & CONFLICTS we have are not problems for GOD. So many times we relate to what the world would think and forget to look with our Spiritual eyes. If we look through our GOD eyes we might see the testimony that will come out of this, we might see the opportunity to share with someone later that "I've been there or gone through that". Remember Rev 12:11 how we overcome.

If you talk to some "CHURCH" members (religious people) they will tell you that it must be because of sin the trouble your in, remember when Jesus healed the blind man in John 9:2, "WHO SINNED" was the big question but we see in John 9:3 Jesus said in answering, It was not because of his sin, or because of his father's or mother's sins; it was so that the works of God might be seen openly in him.

How many times do we miss opportunities for the works of God to be seen worrying about our circumstances when we see the works of God openly in us if we only were dependent on him?

There are times God wants to SHOW OFF AND SHOW OUT as a preacher friend of mine used to say. Do we in worry and fretting over the issues DENY him that privilege? Definitely a YES!!!

I can only wish I had achieved this life style but with each speed bump that comes along I get closer.

There is an old saying "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff".


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What is a relationship?

There are many types of relationships in the world today.

When you ask this quite a few things come to mind:
1. Is this a MARRIAGE?
2. Is this a FRIENDSHIP?
3. Is this a working relationship?

This is only a few that I could think of. I'm sure you can come up with more.

A relationship means that we can relate, share, speak about or we have a deep understanding of the other person or situation.

In having a relationship w/GOD we need all the definitions listed above, and without him there is no true relationship. In a true relationship there will be times of trouble, heart ache, when you wonder about the sincerity of the other party, times you want to leave, bad times, questionable times, doubtful times, trying times, etc. etc.. There are also GREAT TIMES, FUN TIMES, TIMES OF JOY, TIMES OF PEACE, TIMES THAT ARE ONLY MEMORABLE WITH THE 2 OF YOU OR THE GROUP INVOLVED. TIMES YOU WANT TO GO AND SHOUT, TIMES YOU WANT TO STAY SILENT AND REVERENT. TIMES WHEN YOU'RE NOT SURE WHATS GOING ON BUT IT'S WELL.

In a true relationship you have to have COMMITMENT. GOD never intended us to leave or walk out of a relationship, his are eternal and he wants ours to be also. It's a shame today that folks get mad over the smallest things. We throw a fit at the first signs of hard times and leave, walk away, spread gossip or even worse. In general today commitment is fulfilled by taking care of MY needs (remember relationships are two sided).

In a relationship you also have to have two way face to face COMMUNICATION, this is something in our FaceBook, Tweeter, I-Net, online world has lost. When is the last time you sat down and really talked to those your in relationship with FACE to FACE, especially with GOD.

There is a whole society today that only has ONE way communication, and expects everyone to know their needs, wants and desires and say they care about others but their lives don't show it, I believe this could fall under IDOLATRY or PRIDE, two MAJOR sins.

There is a lot more that could be said, but I hope that this gets you thinking about relationships.

If we have Godly relationships then our lives will change and we will see the ministry of Christ come into our lives. That is that we serve others and put Christ above all.

Can you sit and think right now about the relationships you have. How can you enrich them? What about that relationship with GOD???? Does it exist? Do you need to have a deeper walk with him, James tells us if we draw close to him he will draw close to us (WOW)?

Sit down and try talking to him and see what he has to say.

Try this: Get some quite time and get some juice and cracker or bread and have communion just you and GOD, (don't let the juice and bread deal freak you out & don't be religious)

I know he wants relationships with us... John 3:16

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Being Born Again and Being Saved, are they different?

I found this question from a friend of mine A.S. that text it to me months ago.

I was also talking to some friends at lunch today and the same topic came up. We are born again only 1 time, to be born again more than that means somethings wrong with our relationship with GOD, it can NOT happen more than once. We can be born twice( remember Christ conversation with Nicodemus)BUT WE DIE ONCE! We do have to DIE one time, remember (Heb. 9:27) It's APPOINTED unto man once to die then the judgment. I can NOT die again, I'll go to sleep in Christ.

During our initial Salvation process we die to ourselves and are reborn (BORN AGAIN) unto the Spirit of GOD through Christ Jesus, we're saved.

The salvation process then becomes something that we need daily! There is a statement we use "I WAS saved, I am BEING saved and I WILL BE saved". What does this mean?

At the moment we're born again we have started a salvation process hence I WAS saved.

As life goes on we are in need of salvation every moment of every day, we are being saved. This is the wonderful and sometimes challenging part of our life in Christ, where we learn to trust him for everything from healing, forgiveness, finances and EVERYTHING else in between. This takes commitment and great TRUST (FAITH) in Christ, it's learned by living it, not reading about it or hearing about it.

What do we need saving from?

It's sad today that in most of our Churches don't teach on sin, they will tell you that sin is breaking the Law of Moses or has to do with drinking, adultery, gambling etc. and it does but lets go a bit deeper into our lives: what about unforgiveness, pride, lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh, this is how sin enters into our lives.

Just curious also how many of us have predetermined thoughts and judgments about homosexuals, prostitutes, drunks, drug addicts, drug dealers or the person of a different color: after all our churches are the most prejudice places on earth? Could you worship with them and LOVE them being an example of Christ LOVE?

Lets get closer to home, how many of us have unforgiveness in our hearts because of something that happened to us, and we just CAN'T forgive them, (Jesus said if we can't forgive then he can't forgive us). Was it RAPE, ABANDONMENT by a parent or spouse, was it abuse mental or physical, was it something that you have even hidden in a room in your heart and won't think about it, Jesus said "Behold I stand at the door and knock, he wants in all the rooms in our lives. Was it something that we're blaming on GOD? What about the LUST in our lives, chasing after the Jones' wanting more of he world more than wanting what GOD has for us in his SON? Is the STUFF in our lives the things that the WORLD has to offer us that has enticed us to go against our Spiritual leading?

To me worst of all could it be the Religious things that have crept up and snared us, these are hard to find?

These are only some of the things we need to be SAVED from and can be ONLY through CHRIST. GOD can and will SAVE, and DELIVER us if we allow him to. We have to abandon ourselves and put complete trust and faith in him.

Yes I do believe there is a difference in Being Born Again and Salvation.